Ingredients black garlic,padronchile,horseradish, quail eggs, durian, ramps, pine needles, fish milt, whey, seaweed, ashes, sawtooth herb, green chickpeas, kimchi, fermented everything
Flavors dukkah, sumac, sour, torridly hot, smoked, turmeric, barrel-aged hot sauce, gochujang (Korean hot sauce), Japanese katsu sauce
Vegetables center of the plate, sunchokes, raw winter vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli romanesco, parsley root, golden and chiogga beets, pumpkin, baby sweet potatoes, turnip greens, beet tops, collards, fiddleheads, kohlrabi, green tomatoes, komatsuna (Asian mustard greens), seaweed, mico-greens, pickled vegetables, veggie noodles (squash), vegetables in cocktails (”farm to bar”), vegetable desserts, hyper-sourcing (restaurant gardens)
Fruits sour cherries, baobab, huckleberries, finger limes, calamondin, rambutan, heirloom apples, grapefruit, white strawberries
Proteins long-aged and cured meat (salumi, charcuterie), pork secreto, heirloom chicken, pig tails, chicken skin, chicharrones (fried pork rinds), lamb belly, wild line-caught fish, vegetable proteins (meatless meals)
Grains freekeh, farro, bulgur, noodles (udon, soba, cellophane, rice), millet, teff, buckwheat
Desserts Doughnuts, artisanal soft serve, push-pops, savory flavors, boozy desserts
Drinks Tea (the new coffee?), non-alcoholic beverages (”mocktails”), artisanal soda, hard cider, craft brews, gourmet lemonade, kombucha, coconut water
Snacks popcorn, homemade snacks, popped grains
Authentic Ethnic Nordic, Middle Eastern (my favorite!), Asian, NexMex (high-end Mexican), South American (Brazil, Argentina, Peru)
2013 Food Trend Lists
Huffington Post Food 2013 Food Trends: 13 That Other Publications Agree On New York Times After Crisp Pig Ears, 10 Trends for 2013 Eater Food Writers and Experts on What’s Hot and What’s Over National Restaurant Association What’s Hot 2013 Chef Survey Sterling-Rice Group Cutting-Edge Dining Trends of 2013 Andrew Freeman & Co. How Hotel & Restaurant Trends Will Shape a New Reality in 2013 Baum + Whiteman 17 Hottest Food and Dining Trends for 2013 Phil Lempert The Top 10 Food Trend Predictions for 2013 TechnomicTechnomic’s Take: What’s Ahead in 2013? EpicuriousEpicurious Predicts The Top 10 Food Trends of 2013 Food & Wine Top Food Trends to Try in 2013 Bon AppetitWhat to Eat, Drink and Cook in 2013 The Food Channel Top Ten Food Trends of 2013 Hour Detroit What’s Popping: Food Trends for 2013 EatocracyEat This List: Tater tots, invasive entrees and other food trends we’d like to see in 2013 Food Navigator Trend Spotting Gallery: What’s Hot and What’s Not as we Head Into 2013 Innova Market Insights Top Trends for 2013 Produce Marketing Association’s Produce Trends McCormick & Co. Flavor Trends (client) Cooking Light Our Predictions: 2013 Food Trends Chef David Burke’s Food Predictions for 2013 NPR’s The Salt Drinks, Diets and Meats: Hits of 2012, Predictions for 2013 NPR On Your Plate in 2013: Expect Kimchi and Good-for-you Greens Chicago Tribune 2013 Food Trends: What’s the Buzz in Food The Daily Meal Caterers Predict Event Trends for 2012